Friday, April 11, 2008

Political Teeth: Barack Obama

Typical white teeth.

Guest blogger Reverend Jeremiah Wright: Hold Up! White teeth?! WHITE teeth! Is Barack being controlled by his white teeth? It just came to me y'all--why so many people are hatin' on Barack Obama. His teeth don't fit the model. Barack Obama is not being controlled by his Rich.White.Teeth. Hillary fits the mold. Europeans fit the mold. McCain fits the mold. Rich White Teeth fit the mold. Hillary never had a tooth wiz past her and not pick her up. Hillary never had to worry about being pulled over in her car by a Rich White Tooth because she was in the wrong neighborhood...Barack knows what it means to be living in a country and a culture that is controlled by RICH. WHITE. TEETH! No No No y'all---America's teeth... are comin' home... to roost.

Or something.